Definitely surprising!
Ask a guy to sniff a perfume and the reactions will almost always be the same. He’s more likely to crinkle his nose up, sneeze, or groan than he is to rip off your clothes and take you to pound town right there by the food court. In other words, the opposite of attracting him into the lure of you.
Perfumes and fragrances might be designed to act as aphrodisiacs to attract the opposite sex, but the reality is the smells that really make men drool aren’t the smells you’re going to find in fancy bottles. In fact, the key to learning how to turn a guy.on has to do with more than something you can buy.
The Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation (the best or worse foundation to work for depending on what they’re researching) sniffed out the smells that attract men most. The surprising finding? It wasn’t just perfume that they loved.
It was the scent of some common yummy foods that drive men crazy:
But short of coating your body in cookie dough and shampooing with vanilla ice cream, there are plenty of perfumes that make the most of what men love, you just have to know what kind of aphrodisiac you’re looking for.
Here are 20 aphrodisiac smells and fragrances that turn men on and will make men attracted to you
1. The scent: Vanilla
It’s long been believed that vanilla is a natural aphrodisiac: as early as the 1700s, physicians recommended it to male patients to ensure potency. And the sweet, welcoming odor has a euphoric effect that sets the sensual mood.
2. The scent: Doughnut & Black Licorice
This sweet combination increased arousal in more than 30 percent of men studied by the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. That said, I find the inclusion of black licorice deeply problematic.
3. The scent: Pumpkin Pie
The scent of pumpkin pie increased arousal in 40 percent of men. The Foundation theorized that the men in their study may have reacted to the vanilla and cinnamon in the pumpkin pie, both of which have been claimed to have aphrodisiac qualities.
4. The scent: Orange
The citrus smell produced an arousal reaction in almost 20 percent of men, and it makes sense. Oranges conjure up thoughts of sun, of sweetness, and of squeezing ripe boobs. Of course, they love an orange scent!
5. The scent: Popcorn
Movie night just got a whole lot better. Turns out, men are incredibly turned on by the scent our favorite salty and crunchy snack. Maybe pick a movie you don’t actually want to see? You might be distracted.
6. The scent: Chocolate
Of course, chocolate is on the list because chocolate is the greatest thing that there is except for maybe my cat, who is also darling, but sadly, whose scent does not inspire lust.
7. The scent: Lily of the Valley
The guys responded to a scent that doesn’t come from the kitchen. The delicate white flower gives off a light, subtle scent that men love: in this study, it heightened arousal in 11 percent of men.
8. The scent: Bergamot
Bergamot was found to increase the amount of amino acids in the brain. Why do we care about that? Well, science tells us that these amino acids trigger heightened levels of hormones, leading to increased libido. Bergamot is a citrus fruit the size of an orange with the color and sour bite of a lemon that hails from Calabria, Italy — known to be a pretty darn romantic spot in the first place.
9. The scent: Wild yam
Wild yam is a known aphrodisiac. Plus, it’s fun. It has wild in the name. This extract is so powerfully connected to hormonal issues that it is often added to creams that do everything from ease menopausal symptoms and boost arousal.
10. The scent: Rose Oil
It’s rare to find a scent more associated with love and romance than the rose. Rose oil helps with circulation and blood flow — all important for love. But, of course, it’s a very sensual and romantic scent that is emotionally uplifting.
11. The scent: Sandalwood
It is said that those who smell and inhale sandalwood have heightened mood and desire than those who do not. This is a pungent and woody scent that originates in the Orient, and is often seen in high-end perfumes and colognes. It’s also often used to treat impotence and help relieve anxiety.
12. The scent: Lavender
Studies have found smelling lavender plays a big role in decreasing anxiety and stress. This causes relaxation, which is a big part of pleasure. But that’s not all: According to the Foundation study, its scent is arousing.
13. The scent: Cinnamon
Cinnamon has tons of health benefits, but one is being a stimulant. It’s also warming, which increases blood flow and circulation, which obviously helps when going to the bedroom.
14. The scent: Jasmine
Jasmine boosts mood levels, which is such an important part of attraction. Jasmine is a well-known aphrodisiac and is often used in perfumes because it has a rich, sweet smell, and is known to be warming and seductive. In fact, in India, Jasmine oil has been used for centuries to help improve the libido.
15. The scent: Clary Sage
This scent has a deep, sweet, nutty flavor that helps to calm and soothe stress and anxiety but also to lessen inhibitions and boost desire. It can also stimulate energy and can help a woman to relax, which helps with anxiety.
16. The scent: Patchouli
Patchouli is earthy and woodsy, but is also known to help with anxiety and increases energy, and stimulates desire while decreasing inhibitions. All important when it comes to attraction. It stimulates the glands, increasing libido.
17. The scent: Ylang Ylang
This one is known to be a powerful aphrodisiac because it influences energy. It also supports the circulatory system. Inhaling this scent leads to “feelings of euphoria,” which is an important part of getting it on!
18. The scent: Musk
Musk is a known attractor scent. Scientifically speaking, musk’s effects are attributed to it being structurally very similar to pheromones.
19. The scent: Spicy
Spicy and warm aromas increase perspiration, which then leads to heightened chemicals that lead to attraction. So pile on that capsaicin!
20. The scent: Peppermint
This is energizing, and great attraction is all about energy. Recent studies have shown it helps in stimulating the brain and dilating blood vessels, all great for a love response.